Day 5: collaborating with the Marshmallow Challenge

When we have a full week of classes our block schedule runs A, B, A, B, Traditional, so today I saw all of my students. Each class is 41 minutes–just enough time to conduct the marshmallow challenge.

The challenge is a great activity to promote team building and collaboration. Students can use up to 20 spaghetti sticks, 1 yard of string and masking tape and 1 marshmallow mounted at the top. As one would expect some groups collaborated well and a few students were not fully engaged.

Here are the tallest structures from each class.

Period 5

Period 5 standard

Period 8

Period 8 standard

Period 9 pre-algebra

Period 9 pre-algebra

2 thoughts on “Day 5: collaborating with the Marshmallow Challenge

    • It took a bit of time for my students to realize that graphs can tell stories. Yet I was impressed with one student who asked me if this was similar to cause and effect. He was making connections on his own! I hope the activity goes well for you too!

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